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rightWhat is a soils report?

Soils reports, also called “geotechnical soils reports” are prepared by a licensed geotechnical engineer or a registered civil engineer experienced in soils engineering. A soils report may be required depending on the building site. The report gives understanding of earth conditions affecting a building. They are required in areas with expansive or low strength soils.  Other times a soils report may be required include buildings where the foundation will be supported by fill, projects on steep slopes or where a lot of grading will be done, locations with high ground water or those within FEMA floodplains.


Soils reports are typically obtained before construction begins but are also used when an existing foundation is distressed or settling.  The engineer uses the soils report to determine what kind of foundation design to use or to develop a design to stabilize a distressed foundation.   


There are various methods used to test soil in preparing a report.  These include drilling core samples, driving steel rods into the soil to determine density and the presence of rock, excavating test pits and the use of a seismograph.  If you are concerned about building settlement, cracks in foundation walls, or other signs of foundation distress, just call to discuss your concerns with one of our staff enginers.